Relatively few large municipalities are located immediately on the Lake Ladoga shore. The area of farmland is also rather insignificant. The coastal zone has little arable lands, and somewhat more pastures. They do not produce any considerable effect on the landscapes adjoining Ladoga.
The area to the south of Lake Ladoga is much heavier assimilated, but farmland and horticultural areas are separated from the lake shore by canals. Large farms which had been polluting the rivers Morje and Voronka have been closed for the last 5-7 years. All this tells favourably on the nature of the Lake Ladoga area.
Karelian shore of Lake Ladoga is also well-developed agriculturally.
Research has indicated considerable pollution of forest communities in Karelia with heavy metals resulting from transboundary transport. Contamination of feather mosses with cadmium was recorded in the Sortavalsky district. Iron concentrations are high in forest litters near the village of Vartsila. Mosses were observed to store zinc, nickel, lead, though below MPC. Manganese, copper, chromium concentrations are low.
Litters in the Pitkarantsky district were found to be contaminated with lead (1-1.5 MPC). Mosses are locally contaminated with zinc. Raised chromium and cadmium concentrations (though lower than MPC) were recorded in the district. Copper, nickel, manganese, iron, cobalt content is not high.
Mosses in some localities of the Lahdenpohsky district were found to store lead, cadmium, Porosozero area - chromium. Lead concentrations in forest litters in some sites reach 1 MPC. Contamination with other metals was not recorded.