Forest industry in Ladoga region has a long history. Due to extensive forestry in former times forest quality in the eastern areas of the Leningrad region decreased significantly and most of the forest stands became fragmented in the Ladoga region in general. At present, forestry practice differs considerably between the Leningrad region and Republic of Karelia.
Despite the comparatively insignificant forest stock in the Ladoga districts of Karelia all of the allowable cut is being removed. This is due to the lowest costs of the timber transportation to the main consumer - Finland. This also has expanded the number of logging companies - Lahdenpohsky logging enterprise and Lahdenpohsky forestry enterprise were joined by the stock companies "Nord-Inter-House", "Invest-Les", "Ladoga-Les" etc.
The interest of originally Finish logging enterprises in this territory is rather low. However, orientation towards the Finnish market where he growing tendency is to use only forest resources obtained from sustainably managed forests may result in improvement of the local forestry practices.
Most of the forested land in the Ladoga area districts of the Leningrad region is the territory where industrial felling is prohibited (e.g., water protection zones, green belts around towns). Besides, forest resources in the area had been quite intensively exploited in the past, which reduced the quality of the forest. Left commercial forests are located quite far from major transportation routs and are not easy accessible for logging enterprises. Therefore, currently, not over 35-40% of the allowable cut is removed in the Leningrad region.
However, the Leningrad region administration is trying to find
suitable ways to intensify forest industry in the area. Thus, to promote sane
use of forest resources a practice has recently become quite popular to lease
forest fund area for prolonged periods of time (up to 49 years). This practice
will enable logging organisations to exploit all of the allowable cut (see
"Natural resources. Forest. Tab.
4.3."), perform more profound timber processing, and carry out reforestation activities more efficiently.
Furthermore, unofficial data is available on illegal commercial cuttings in those districts of the Leningrad region close to the border with Finland (Karelian isthmus). However this data must be checked, and intensity of illegal use of forest resources must be evaluated. No assessment exists for the level of use of forest resources by the local people.
In the Ladoga region in general traditional forestry practice remains. Both in the Leningrad region and in the Republic of Karelia tendencies are seen to build up favorable conditions for development of forest industry at least on administrative level, however, now clear and detailed strategy has been elaborated so far.