No |
Settle- ment |
Machine building, metal working |
Non- ferrous metal- lurgy |
Fuel, oil- chemical industry |
Power enginee- ring |
Chemical industry |
Wood- working, pulp- and- paper industry |
Building materi- als, glass industries |
Light, food industries |
Leningrad region, Priozersky district |
1. | town of Priozersk |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ |
Timber- proces- sing factory, pulp- and- paper mill (PPM) (closed in 1991) |
___ | Diary factory, bakery |
2. | vil. Kuzne- chnoje |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
Quarry (granite, quarry- stone) | "Boro- dinskoje" |
Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsky district |
1. | town of Vsevo- lozhsk |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | Clothing factory, diary factory |
2. | vil. Nev- skaya Du- brovkaï |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
House construc- tion enterprise | ___ |
3. | vil. Kuz'mo- lovsky |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | Bakery |
4. | vil. Tok- sovo |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | Branch of the "Novost" haber- dashery company |
Leningrad region, Kirovsky district |
1. | town of Kirovsk |
___ | ___ | ___ |
8th HPP | ___ | ___ |
Reinforced concrete factory | Bakery |
2. | town of Otradnoje |
Mechani- cal main- tenance factory | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
Mast impreg- nation factory | ___ |
Plastic, sports gear factory |
3. | town of Petro- krepost |
Ship mainte- nance factory, ship building yard |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
Clothing factory |
4. | vil. Mgaï |
Carriage maintenance works | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | Reinforced concrete factory |
___ |
5. | vil. Nazija | ___ |
___ | "Nazija" peat extraction enterprise |
___ | Peat and mineral fertilizer plant |
___ | ___ | ___ |
6. | vil. Pav- lovo |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
Factory of silicate building materials | ___ |
7. | vil. Sinja- vino |
___ | ___ |
"Sinjavi- no" peat extraction enterprise | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ |
Leningrad region, Volkhovsky district |
1. | town of Volkhov |
Carriage maintenance works | Alumini- um smelter |
___ | Volkhov- skaya HPPÁ |
(VAZ Chemical shops) | Wood working factory |
Cement plant, reinforced concrete products plant, construc- tion arti- cles plant |
Meat- packing factory, clothing factory, diary factory |
2. | town of Novaya Ladoga |
Ship maintenance works | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ |
fish- proces- sing plant, diary factory, weaving factory |
3. | vil. Sviritsa |
inland fleet ship maintena- nce works |
___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
4. | vil. Syas-stroi |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ |
PPM, carton factory, wood pulp factory |
___ | Bakery, diary factory |
Leningrad region, Lodejnoposly district |
1. | town of Lodejnoje Pole |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ |
Integrated wood- working factory, timber proces- sing factory |
Integrated road con- struction plant, re- inforced concrete products plant |
Meat- packing factory, diary factory, bakery |
2. | vil. Svir-stroi |
___ | ___ | ___ |
Nizhne- svirskaya HPP | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ |
Republic of Karelia, Lahdenpohsky district |
1. | town of Lahdenpohja |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
Veneer factory | ___ |
2. | vil. Nini-maki |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
Granite | ___ |
Republic of Karelia, Pitkarantsky district |
1. | town of Pitkaranta |
___ |
Mining - tin, rare metals, wolfram |
___ | ___ | ___ |
PPM | ___ | ___ |
2. | vil. Ukkoma- kinskoje |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
Granite and gneiss- granite | ___ |
3. | vil. Repo- maki |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
Granite | ___ |
Republic of Karelia, Sortavala |
1. | vil. Vart- sila |
___ | Metal works |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
2. | vil. Alpatu |
___ | Gold mining | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ |
3. | vil. Rus- keala |
___ | ___ | ___ |
___ | ___ | ___ |
Marble | ___ |