Brief description of the resources that are of interest to
organisations exploiting mineral resources is presented in Section "Natural resources. Mineral."..
The main kinds of mineral resources exploited in Karelian Lake
Ladoga area are: zinc-tin ores, natural facing stone, and building stone.
Annual recovery of granite blocks is up to 38,000 m3.
The main mineral resources mined by exploiting organizations in the Leningrad region are limestones, building sands, sand-and-gravel materials, clays, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Southern Ladoga region is an area where most of organisations exploiting different kinds of mineral resources are located.
Exploitation of mineral resources in the districts of the Ladoga region is summarised in the Table 7.3.
In the last years, the extracted amounts of mineral resources dropped considerably throughout the Lake Ladoga area due to a decline in demand for the products in the home market, shortcomings in the tax policy, obsolete equipment. It suffices to say that not over 30-35% of the designed output of mineral raw materials are recovered.
Depression in exploiting of mineral resources is caused by several factors including general economic depression in Leningrad region and Karelia, practice of unpayments between organisations, narrow market for mineral products, inflexible way of industrial structure. Such situation is especially negative for settlements mainly oriented towards this industry (especially in the southern part of the region). Increased unemployment forces local people to find new sources for living through using available natural resources in the area.
Table 7.3. Number of organisations exploiting different kinds of solid mineral resources
Administrative district
Number of organizations exploiting different kinds of solid mineral resources