Svir bay of Lake Ladoga is a Ramsar site. The territory includes the Nizhne-Svirsky reserve and part of the "Zagubje" state game reserve. The land is valuable as a stopping place for large aggregations of migrating grebes (over 1000 ind.), swans (up to 5,000), geese (up to 150,000-200,000), ducks (up to 200,000), waders, gulls, terns, cranes (hundreds ind.) and rails, nesting ground for dozens and hundreds of pairs of puddle ducks, tufted duck, common pochard, gulls (including little gull), terns (including little tern), Eurasian curlew and whimbrel, black-tailed godwit, common redshank, golden plover and other waders, common crane, white-tailed sea eagle (2-3 pairs), osprey (3-4 pairs), red-footed falcon, eagle owl, great gray owl, short-eared owl and some other rare birds. Following criteria by BirdLife International the area was ranked as an Globally Important Bird Area (IBA).
Wetlands of the Olonets fields are located near the town
of Olonets. Part of the are is now under protection within the territory of the
regional reserve "Olonetsky". The area is the largest in the north-west
Russia, strategically important stopping place for geese during their spring
migration. Total number of passing geese (mostly white-fronted and bean geese,
as well as graylag goose, brent, barnacle and lesser white-fronted geese) may
exceed 1 million individuals (Zimin, 1999). In addition to geese the fields are visited by a large number of puddle ducks and waders, swans, rails, birds of prey and owls. Some of the rare and "Red Data Book" species are present here: white stork, pallid and Montagu's harriers, peregrine, marsh sandpiper, quail, water rail (Zimin et al., 1997). There is also an inhabited golden eagle nest. In the abundance of a whole number of species (geese, birds of prey, corn crake, etc.) the territory stands higher than the criteria of BirdLife International for IBA of global importance and Ramsar Convention.
Southern part of the Lake Ladoga area from the Volkhov river
estuary to the village of Ligovo is a place for mass nesting of ducks
(including Eurasian wigeon), rails, bittern, gulls (the little gull colony
numbers over 250 pairs) and terns. A case of whooper swan nesting was recorded
from the raised bogs of the inland part. Up to 12 osprey pairs and 2
white-tailed sea eagle pairs nest in the area. Azure tit was also found to
nest here. During the migration season large concentrations of resting ducks
and swans form on the Ladoga water area. The territory received the status of
an IBA of global importance, while the Government of the Leningrad region considers the territory as a potential regional reserve.
Valaam archipelago is characterised by the presence of a
complex of shorebirds unique for a freshwater body and including typical
marine species (the only freshwater eider population, greater scaup, scoter,
Smew, great black-backed gull, Caspian tern, Arctic tern, turnstone, Eurasian
oystercatcher). Commonly nesting in the area are red-necked grebe and lesser
black-backed gull. There are occurrences of Black-throated and red-throated
divers. Peregrine may also nest here. Migrating arctic ducks and waders are
observed to form aggregations in the area (Mikhaleva, Birina, 1998). The area suits
the criteria of an IBA of global and regional importance and is under protection by the government of Karelia as a regional reserve.
Petrokrepost bay is a stopping place for mass numbers of
puddle and diving ducks during their spring migrations. The total number of
migrants reaches tens of thousands individuals (Noskov et al., 1974). There are plans to
establish an IBA of European or regional importance in the territory.
Zelentsy islands is a place for mass nesting of ducks, gulls, terns and waders. A large stopping place of migrating waders (sandpipers, plovers, greenshanks). Compliance with IBA criteria is being specified.
Burnaya river estuary - Avloga river estuary - is a nesting area and a mass stopping place for ducks, gulls, terns and waders during the summer-autumn migration. Compliance with IBA criteria is being specified.
Ladoga skerries are a nesting ground for large numbers of red-necked grebe, red-breasted and common mergansers, gulls (including great black-backed and lesser black-headed gulls), terns (including Arctic tern), waders and many other rare species. Large aggregations of waterfowl are observed during the autumn migration. Several occurrences of red-breasted goose were recorded. Compliance with IBA criteria and boundaries of the area are being specified.
Andrusovskaya bay is protected in Karelia under the status
of the "Andrusovo" protected landscape (Khokhlova et al., 1995). This is a favourable habitat for waterfowl and shorebirds. Harbours large colonies of grebes, gulls (including little gull), terns and ducks. Is known to have a nesting area of osprey.
Uksunlahti bay is a nesting site and place of migrational aggregations of waterfowl and shorebirds. Uuksa peninsula is passed through by an intensive stream of land migrants. At present time the territory has no protection status.