Lake Ladoga outline is relatively orderly. The main
characteristics of the shoreline are the rugged northern and comparatively even
southern, south-eastern and south-western parts (Fig. 3.1.1).
The shore in the northern part of the lake belongs to the skerries type. They are noted for the presence of numerous islands separated by shallow channels. Where the skerries end (the western and eastern shores) the shoreline is smooth. Accretion shore sections with well-developed sandy beaches dominate the shoreline. Series of beach ridges are clearly visible.
Typical of the western shore from the river Avloga estuary north until Vladimirskaya bay are boulder/cobble shores with the empty space filled with sand. Such areas of scattered boulders normally lie on solid grey moraine clay.
The southern shore from Petrokrepost to the Svir river mouth is characterised by lowlheight (3-4 m). Part of the shore is sandy, with a small dune area, and part - swampy. A typical feature is aggregations of boulders stretching out into the lake in small ridges. Near-shore deposition forms of the delta type form in the shallow bays in the southern part of the lake (Volkhov and Svir bays).