Eastern subregion. The littoral zones of the Uksunlahti and Lunkulanlahti bays, the eastern shore of the Mantsinsaari island are dominated by reed communities, their strips occasionally reaching 150-200 m (Raspopov, 1985). Many bays and islands of the eastern subregion get overgrown in a similar way.
Aggregations of Phragmites australis, Potamogeton
perfoliatum andP. gramineum occur in the rocky littoral
(tidal zone of the shore). In windless littoral areas, in bay
tops aggregations of Phragmites australis, Potamogeton perfoliatum and
P. gramineum are joined by Carex acuta and Scolochloe
The breaker-impactsandy littoral zone is free of
vegetation. Windless sandy areas are inhabited by Carex acuta, Scolochloe
festucacea, Alisma plantago-aquatica, Eleocharis palustris. The
north-western part of the Andrusovskaya bay is the only habitat of Scirpus
lacustris, and home to a rare community with Littorella uniflora.
Plant communities associated with the Baltic coast and shores
of large lakes stretch along the sandy beaches of the eastern shore to the
north of the Svir river mouth. The main species forming these communities are
European dune grass (Leymus arenarius) and beach pea (Lathyrus
maritimus). These communities include also a willow species (Salix
acutifolia) which had often been used to stabilize bank sands. Therefore,
many flora researchers doubt its natural provenance on the Ladoga shores
(Reviews..., 1982).
The western subregion. The western subregion of the
open shore region is little overgrown. The leading role in the process of
overgrowing belongs to common reed (Phragmites australis). The area of
Potamogeton perfoliatum and P. gramineum is insignificant. Reed
is adjoined by Scolochloe festucacea communities.
Dunes form in the sandy beaches. Communities made up of
Calamagrostis epigeios and Leymus arenarius and isolated pine
trees are common on the dunes. The sand by the shore is occupied by communities
with the same species, as well as Festuca sabulosa, Lathyrus maritimus,
Equisetum arvense. Juncus balticus occurs by the water and in small
The shore to the north grows heavily bouldery, sometimes
rocky. The water-edge here is approached by forests: bilberry, speckled
alder with Aegopodium podagraria or meadowsweet (Filipendula
ulmaria), purple small-reed (Calamagrostis canescens) spruce stands;
in moister places - birch stands.