The southern region shoreline vegetation is exceptionally
well-developed with communities composed by Typha angustifolia, Scolochloe
festucacea, Juncus conglomeratus, Zizania latifoliasourthern occur in the
Reed stands with admixture of spike-rush (Eleocharis
palustris) up to 250 m wide form along the western shore of the Petrokrepost
bay. Communities of bulrush (Scirpus lacustris), various-leaved pondweed
(Potamogeton gramineum), Canadian pondweed (Elodea canadensis),
rivergrasses (Scolochloe festucacea) are distributed among reed stands.
Spike-rush and arrowhead (Sagittaria sagitifolia) stands develop along
the water edge (Raspopov, 1985). Further the area is occupied by wet meadows and
fens with reed-sedge and small reed-sedge communities, fringed by willow
(Sa- lix acutifolia) stands with mixed grass stands (Mulgedium
sibiricum, Potentilla anserina, Equise- tum arvense).
Ca. 15% of the Petrokrepost bay gets overgrown with Potamogeton
perfoliatum. The littoral zone from the Kobona river mouth to the
Poperechnaya shoal is free of vegetation. Reed communities 50 to 70 m wide are
spread by Paigach, Ligovsky and Voronov promontories. Their width by the shores
between the promontories reaches 450 m. The reed strip by the south-western
shore of the Ptinov island widens to 1.0-1.2 km. Communities of Agrostis
stolonifera, Juncus nodulosus, Eleocharis palustris grow on sandy areas
along the shore. Further on one sees wet meadows with Carex rostrata, Carex
vesicaria, Epilobium adenocaulon.
Cattail (Typha angustifolia) aggregation is found behind
the barrier of reed stands in the western part of the Volkhov bay. Commonly
encountered in the stand openings are communities of yellow water-lily
(Nuphar lutea) and water smartweed (Polygonum amphibium).
Arrowhead (Sagittaria sagitifolia) aggregation is situated by the Volkhov
river estuary. Near-shore stands contain much duckweed. Meadows dominated by
Phalaroides arundinacea and sedges (Carex acuta, C. rostrata, C.
vesicaria) form landwards from the water edge. Further territory is occupied
by meadows dominated by Deschampsia cespitosa with the occurrence of
Potentilla erecta, Viola palustris, Anthoxantum odoratum.
The rocky littoral to the north of Chjorny promontory is little
overgrown. Sandy shoals and islands by the Svir river estuary are covered by
reed. It shelters communities of Nuphar lutea, Sagittaria sagitifolia
and Potamogeton gramineum. Reed stands are interspersed with Scirpus
lacustris aggregations. In addition to wet meadows there occur fens.
Moisture content in them is quite high and sphagnum mosses are not present. The
fens are dominated by sedges (Carex
lasiocarpa, C. chordorrhiza, C. rostrata) and grasses (Menyanthes trifoliata,
Peucedanum palustre, Equisetum fluviatile; Reviews..., 1982).