Ecologo-economic zoning of the territory (1) defines the procedures and regimes of nature use, economic and urban construction development in accord with the resource and ecological capacities, and (2) is the basis for integrated nature use management in the territory.
Ecologo-economic zoning of the territory is to be used in the development of the following documents:
concept of regional socio-economic development;
management plan for the territory;
price-based zoning of the regional territory.
These documents provide the possibility of an objective approach to the implementation of sustainable development in the Lake Ladoga shore areas.
The first experiment of such a project was the "Priladozhje" spatial plan made by the "Lengipro- gor" institute in 1988. The plan covered the territory of nine administrative districts adjoining Lake Ladoga: Republic of Karelia (Lahdenpohsky, Sortavalsky, Pitkarantsky and Olonetsky districts) and Leningrad region (Lodejnopolsky, Volkhovsky, Kirovsky, Vsevolozhsky and Priozersky districts). The aim of the plan was to suggest solutions to the problems emerging in interactions between the nature, population and economic activities in the Lake Ladoga area in general.
The concept of the plan implies further economic development, but with regard to environmental limitations. It was the first document to propose fees for resources as economic instruments of environmental protection.
The plan suggested that four functional zones are established in conformity with the ecologo-economic zoning of the Lake Ladoga area: Leningrad urbanisation zone; economic use dominated zone (Kirovsky, Volkhovsky, Lodejnopolsky and Olonetsky districts); recreational and agricultural zone (Priozersky, Vsevolozhsky districts), Northern Priladozhje - a territory under strict ecologically substantiated construction regime and controlled exploitation of natural resources.
To provide Lake Ladoga water protection the plan suggests the organization of the water protection zone (1 to 3 km) and protective belt no less than 100 m. Forests in the shore zone are to be placed under strict protection.
A special section of the plan entitled "Major problems of environmental protection and its enhancement" is devoted to nature protection requirements and measures.
Regrettably, due to the lack of financing the plan was not further developed to specify the ecologi- cal and economic problems of the Lake Ladoga area listed in the concept.