Concentrations of the Lake Ladoga whitefish in the south of the lake are mostly observed over the Severnaya Goloveshka bank and by the western shore of the lake. Juvenile fish concentrations are found in the Volkhov bay.
Small vendace concentrations in Lake Ladoga within the Leningrad region are observed along the western shore. In the eastern part vendace occurs in insignificant amounts, and has no value for commercial fisheries.
Ladoga cisco (larger ecological form of Vendace) is spread mainly in the southern and western parts of the lake (Schlisselburg, Svir and Volkhov bays).
Smelt concentrates mostly in the Volkhov and Svir bays where the main sites for fishing of this specie are also located.
- Ladoga Lake region most valuable areas for birds:
1 - Svirskaya Bay
2 - Olonetskiye Fields
3 - Sourthern Ladoga coast
4 - Valaam Archipelago
5 - Petrokrepost Bay
6 - Zelentsy Islands
7 - Burnaya River - Avloga River
8 - Ladoga Skerries
9 - Andrusovskaya Bay
10 - Uksulakhti Bay
- for fish
- for terristrial mammals
- for ringed (ladoga) seal
- North Ladoga Reservee
- Tuloksky Reservee
Fig. Ladoga Lake region most valuable areas for fish, birds and mammals