Strategy 1. Balanced economic development of the region based on strengthening democracy in public administration. Development of new economic activities related to the use of the region's natural and cultural heritage. Generation of up-to-date nature use regulations not just for protected areas but for the region in general.
Economic development strategy for the Lake Ladoga area is designed
to solve the problems of agriculture and industry (see "Economy") paying due attention to the interests of local inhabitants, potential development of the Northwest Russia in general and preservation of unique natural complexes.
One of the tasks is to develop a system of standards for the
loads imposed by individual industries and enterprises on certain environmental
components. These standards should be first of all applied to pulp-and-paper
and chemical enterprises, as well as for integrated farms in "hot spots". Simultaneously, the development programme for the Lake Ladoga area national economy should be revised in accord with the general expert analysis of the complex of economic, social and environmental factors so as to avoid overcrowding of resource-intensive and environmentally hazardous enterprises in specific areas. The programme also needs to be accommodated to the reform of the existing production system, including investments into upgrading of the technologies in use. A unified analytical and information centre under governments of the regions within the Lake Ladoga area could become a first step towards this target.
Another essential part of the activities is the preparation and implementation of replicable pilot projects on the development of specific areas in the Lake Ladoga region and individual sectors. Such projects will yield models and experience that can be used in other parts of the region. Besides, municipal authorities and local people will be given a chance to see the advantages of practical application of the sustainable development principles. Some pioneering examples of such activities are the Nizhne-Svirsky component of the WWF, Denmark project on eco-tourism development and WWF, Sweden project on supporting traditional agricultural practices in the Olonets district.
The second component of the activities that would ensure sustainable nature use in the region is the development of new and harmonization of existing legislation which regulate development and nature use issues. The priorities in this sphere are water objects, flora and fauna, as well as development of a network of protected areas.
Sustainable nature use in the Ladoga Lake area can only be organized on the basis of an approach integrating the region's economic, ecological and spatial aspects. For such an approach to operate a Law "On integrated nature use in the Ladoga Lake area" has to be developed which would state the need for an integrated GIS-based cadastre of the region's natural resources.
The third component is training of qualified decision-makers at all levels, providing them with expertise in the sphere of nature conservation. This component includes also the development of user-friendly methodological and technical guides and manuals for organisations and enterprises involved in exploitation or management of natural resources.
Implementation of the proposed strategy is to be organised by the
existing Cross-regional Co-ordination Council on Lake Ladoga (see "Legislative Basis"), which includes representatives of administrations of the Federation subjects and the Federal Government.