Strategy 2. Development of a concept for the organization of a unified PA system in the Ladoga Lake drainage area and establishment of a flexible system for monitoring and forecasting the state of the major Lake Ladoga region biota components and preservation of representative ecosystems.
Sustainable nature use in the Lake Ladoga region, conservation of
unique ecosystems simultaneously with socio-economic development are impossible
without a unified monitoring system for the major environmental components, i.e.
(1) water, (2) bottom sediments and aquatic organisms, (3) soil complexes, (4)
vegetation, (5) atmosphere (see "Environment"
and "Ecology"). Such a system will enable compilation of data for making general and detailed forecasts and recommendations for practical measures and revision of development programmes. Development of the unified monitoring system requires involvement of research organisations. The system can be based on the existing network of stations belonging to various departments.
The monitoring programme should include also assessment of the state of biological resources (forests, game, etc.). This work can be done by relevant committees and departments in collaboration with specialized associations and NGO's. An important thing to do in this connection is creating conditions for involving local population in observations over the state of resources in their local areas (by preparing and disseminating information materials, questionnaires, simplified manuals). The degree of resource exploitation should be determined in each specific case on the basis of recommendations by experts.
At the same time, recovery strategies should be developed for resources in poor condition (first of all - hunted animals, commercial fishes, etc.) and practical measures should be taken within these strategies. These activities should be given priority in the distribution of financing by local ecological funds.
Simultaneously, actions should be taken in the region to structure the system of protected areas. Firstly, efforts should be made to ensure that all biotopes and landscapes of the Lake Ladoga area are represented in the PA network. Secondly, the PA network should be spread throughout the region as evenly as possible. Thirdly, PA's in the region should fulfil a variety of functions and form an actually functioning network rather than a system of areas declared in the map. Particular attention in the work of the PA network should be paid to the tasks of preservation and restoration of rare and endangered species populations, as well as endemic forms and relicts biotopes. More thought should be given to the educational and public awareness function of PA's.