Analysis of the existing situation has demonstrated that the Lake Ladoga region plays an important part in maintaining stability in the whole of the Baltic Sea drainage area. This means that problems of Lake Ladoga are of international concern, and sustainable development in the area would largely ensure sustainable development throughout the Baltic region. Today is exactly the time when large-scale involvement of regional and international organizations in the solution of all sorts of problems in the Ladoga region would push the situation into developing following the optimistic scenario.
The general priorities are activities along three interrelated lines (1) economic and political, (2) conservation and monitoring and (3) social and educational.
Strategy 1. Balanced economic development of the region based on strengthening democracy in public administration. Development of new economic activities related to the use of the region's natural and cultural heritage. Generation of up-to-date nature use regulations not just for protected areas but for the region in general.
Strategy 2. Development of a concept for the organization of a unified PA system in the Ladoga Lake drainage area and establishment of a flexible system for monitoring and forecasting the state of the major Lake Ladoga region biota components and preservation of representative ecosystems.
Strategy 3. Raising public awareness of the Lake Ladoga region problems and involving the general public in decision-making. Promoting the region's identity as an area unique both ecologically and historically.